Dan and Susie went to elementary, junior high, and high school together but met each other during Dan’s senior year and Susie’s junior year in choir class at Tennessee High School in 1983. It was love at first kiss. Dan started singing at age 3 and was a radio star by the ripe old age of 6. He took piano and voice lessons as a child because his parents knew he had a gift that needed to be shared with the world. Susie started singing with her mother who taught her how to sing in harmony and sing rounds. After they began dating they sang at his home church Three Springs Baptist where his father, George, was pastor, his mother Jane and older sister, Debbie, played the piano. In 1990 they married and now have three wonderful children and six grandchildren. In 2009 Dan answered God’s call to sing and in 2014 he recorded his first CD. Susie began singing with him and they sang as the Dan Henderson Family as a duet. They recorded the second CD in 2017 containing songs that they have been inspired to write and God continues to open doors and lead them down His path.